We had a great Christmas this year. We enjoyed many fun Holiday parties and family gatherings. To start off Christmas my mom had all the grand kids over for a sleep over. They ate pizza,roasted marshmallows, built a gingerbread house,received new Christmas PJ's and watched Christmas movies. She is such a fun Grammie. Presley had her first Christmas program at school and did great. As a family we went and saw the temple lights and had a fun family date. We spent Christmas eve with Dustin's family. We had a great sit down dinner and then after opened gifts and played games. Christmas morning was so much fun. This was the first year Presley realized how much fun Christmas is. She woke up around 6:oo am and crawled into bed with us and wanted to watch TV, I was so surprised that she didn't want to open any gifts. An hour went by and then she woke me up saying "Mom I think Santa came get up". She was so happy and very excited that Santa ate his cookies and milk. Christmas afternoon we went over to my sister Brooke's house to hang out with my family. We had a nice and relaxing Christmas this year. Sorry for the picture over load!!
A 2020 Christmas
4 years ago
So cute! The girls are so gorgeous! And I can't even tell you're pregnant...Are you sure??
So fun! Your girls are adorable. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Christmas is so fun when you have a fun family to share it with!
Did Dust tell you we are leaving AZ? That means youa re going to have to keep your blog up and running with news of the newest addy and how Dust is doing @ UOP :) The girls are getting so big!
Your girls are so cute! Do you know what your having yet??? Looks like a great Christmas and you look so good....I can't believe you are prego!
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