Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Well I'm excited to say that I'm pregnant. I'm about 8 weeks along and everything looks great. I have had a couple of ultra sounds, one at 4 1/2 weeks to make sure that everything looked good and one today to check the heart beat. Everything is looking wonderful and Dustin and I are both very excited. My due date is Aug.2,2008 right smack in the summer time heat.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daley Family Pics

Yesterday my family got together to take our yearly Christmas pictures. We had a great time and the pictures turned out cute. Here are a couple pictures of the whole family and one cute one that my cousin Stacey snapped of Presley. Thanks Stacey for taking time to do this, we all appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Presley Singing

Presley loves the Tim McGraw song, Fly Away! Sometimes I will find her in her room just singing and having a good time. About a month ago I finally got it on video. She just sat there doing her thing and singing the night away! Thanks to Ashley on helping with putting the video on the blog!